Monday, August 22, 2005

An overview of Brighton

Once infamous for its dirty weekends, with its sleazy private eyes gathering evidence for the divorce courts, the City of Brighton is the resort of choice for many stag nights and hen nights determined to party hard before the happy couple tie the knot. Of course, these days it's a very loose knot but
couples still want to go out in style and Brighton-based Redseven Leisure is on hand to ensure that the pre-nuptials offer a lot more than a few pints down the pub on karaoke night.

A typical weekend for rutting stags is Redseven Leisure's 'Kiss Me Slow'weekend. The two long nights start off with a bang at one of the City's most prestigious lapdancing clubs. To some that may be a contradiction in terms,
but semantics won't be on the minds of the eager young men as they hustle to their reserved table and enjoy the delightful shapes of near-naked Brighton belles. And if the boys dip into their bulging wallets, the girls will give
the groom his very own personal lap dance.

Assuming the stags can drag the groom away, their night continues at one of Brighton's larger clubs known for its Ibiza-style disco, reminiscent of all night raves where young men and women wake with the rising sun and the sea
lapping their toes. For the record, Brighton beach has pebbles and the sea does not lap! But the city has much else to offer sore heads looking for a little gentle relaxation before sampling the delights of a second night in
Brighton's premier gentlemen's club. To some, this may conjure an image of old duffers talking about the lost empire while smoking cigars in over-stuffed chairs but the 25 beautiful young women dancing topless in
their g-strings promise a lot more than the Lambeth Walk. The evening's fun and frolics are rounded off dancing the night away in a mega club with three separate rooms featuring disco classics, R'n'B, old skool, garage,
pyrotechnics and no doubt much more.

Of course the question you'll be asking is what about the hens? Unfortunately, even in drag, this reporter couldn't get an invite! So, if you want to find out what kind of fun the girls can have (don't tell the groom!) we suggest that you check out Redseven Leisure's web site where you'll find information on corporate events, international travel and much
else besides although after two nights courtesy of Redseven Leisure you may be more interested in a pair of comfy slippers and a cup of cocoa!