Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rugby man hangs himself after stag party blues

A happily married rugby player hanged himself days after a stag weekend and a visit to a strip club.

An inquest into the death of Workington Zebras player John George Thompson, 30, heard yesterday how the weekend away had caused tension between him and his wife Amanda.

Mr Thompson, a butcher, was found hanging by his belt from a meat rail chiller on April 5 at Bookers cash and carry where he worked. Friends gave evidence suggesting the Easter stag weekend in Sheffield for his best friend had caused problems between him and his wife of six months.

His manager Stephen Farrell discovered the body and said in a statement: “He said on a couple of occasions that he was in the doghouse. I think the problems with his wife were related to the weekend away.”

The prop forward, who had played rugby union for Cumbria, Aspatria and Egremont, became quiet at work and started smoking for the first time in the days before his death.

Workmate Stephen Donald said in a statement: “His wife had been giving him a hard time over going to strip clubs.”

In a conversation with Mr Thompson on the day of his death, Mr Donald said he seemed as though all his problems had lifted.

He was talking enthusiastically about his stepson’s interest in wrestling.

Mr Thompson’s father Thomas told the inquest that his son had played rugby for Zebras on the Saturday before he hanged himself.

He said: “He was never depressed and was a quiet lad, he was a gentle giant who liked to go out for a drink and a laugh with his mates.”

Mr Thompson also noticed a change in his son after the stag weekend.

John Thompson left a note for his wife. She did not give evidence at the inquest but told the News & Star afterwards that they had no marital problems and were very happy since their wedding in October last year.

Mrs Thompson, of Curwen Street, said: “The weekend he went away he went to a strip club – they all did – and when I found out I was not very happy. He went very quiet after that. We had never had an argument before.”

She had racked her brains to think why he would hang himself. He was under pressure because of new responsibilities at work, she said.

“He was the manager of the butchery and a member of his staff was off sick so he had to do more work himself,” she said. “I had been on at him to take it easier and he said he was ready for a break, I just thought he was tired.”

“He was really kind-hearted and he loved me and my son.”

West Cumbria coroner John Taylor recorded a verdict of suicide.

He said: “Although Amanda Thompson has not given evidence, the statements from his friends suggest the stag weekend caused problems between them.”