Monday, May 30, 2005

Three men beat up fellow hotel guest after stag do

Three men beat up a fellow guest in a Penrith hotel after he complained about the noise they were making as they returned from a stag night, a court heard.

A judge at Carlisle Crown Court said the men 'created absolute mayhem' when they got back to the Station Hotel at 4am on June 6 last year.

All three pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm to James Davey.

Gordon Brown, 35, of Hamilton, Glasgow, and his brother Thomas, 30, of East Kilbride, were each ordered to pay £500 compensation to Mr Davey, £100 for the damage they caused to the hotel and £700 in court costs. They were also ordered to do 120 hours' unpaid community service.

Russell Eagleson, 45, of Aberdeen, was made to pay £500 compensation to Mr Davey and £700 in costs. He was ordered to do 80 hours' community service.

Judge Paul Batty QC described the incident as 'deplorable'.

He told the men: 'You created absolute mayhem in this hotel which had the misfortune to be housing you for that night. Each of you had been on a binge of drink and this was the result.'

He said although the incident warranted a prison sentence, it would be better if they were allowed to be with their families."