Thursday, March 03, 2005

Prince turns down Austrailian "Buck's party"

Charles says no to Aussie stag party: "The town had been hoping for a glimpse of the prince later in the day. They were waiting a few miles away in the centre of Alice Springs at the Bojangles bar, where the mayor and the owner were throwing a stag party for the prince. 'We sent him an invite,' said Mr Nicholls, who helped organise the event. 'We've got the red carpet and everything, we just want to drink a toast to the guy and show him a good 'buck's do' Alice-style.
'I feel sorry for him that he can't relax and let his hair down once in a while.'
Sticking to his tight schedule, the prince declined the invitation and instead the town had to make do with a lookalike Prince of Wales and a lookalike Queen. 'Since she's not going to the wedding, we thought she'd better come to the stag,' Mr Nicholls said. "